Canis Major

From my Book 'The Secret of Anubis'

Canis Major also called the Great Dog - The star Sirius 
Canis Major also known as Big Dog, 
Great Dog star

this constellation is the most visible on the night sky, mostly because of the Always shining Sirius, which in itself is called the Dog Star. 

It is said that the Big dog is responsible for the Northern hemisphere 'dog- days', this is a traditional hot period in the late summer. 

Old traditions say that the Dog Star awaken at the same time as the Sun (Meaning The dog star raises at the same time the Sun does)

Besides the Big Dog, the star image of the 'little dog' is located, called Canis Minor- Little Dog, and this dog is often mentioned in old Greek manuscripts.

Sirius was an object of wonder and veneration to all ancient peoples throughout human history. 

In the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain's star; in other Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star. 

The Dog is also described as "he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain." 

The dog Sirius is one of the watchmen of the Heavens, fixed in one place at the bridge of the Milky Way, keeping guard over the abyss into incarnation. 

The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness.


Sirius is a very bright shining star, it is the nose of the constellation called Canis Major, also known as the Great dog constellation. 

In Greek mythology, Canis Major and Canis Minor were the hunting dogs of Orion, they are some times called Orion's guard dogs. 

Orion is hunting the great bear (Unas major) which is the constellation in front of Orion. Canis major is seen as a more seriously dog, whereas Canis Minor was a more playful dog.

The Star Sirius - Canis Major dated to 1603

In one old legend, the two dogs are sitting patiently under a table, where Gemini is sitting and dining. 

The faint stars that can be seen around these constellations (Canis Major, Canis Minor and Gemini), are said to be the bread crumbs which Gemini fed the dogs with. 

The ancient Greeks believed that Canis Major was a very fast runner. 

In Greek culture Canis Major (as the fast runner) was called Laelaps. Laelaps was said to have won a race over the fastest Fox in the world. 

 Zeus was so honoured by the victory of Laelaps that he placed him in the heavens among the stars.


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    this was very helpful to me for my science project. thanksss

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    I am very happy to hear that this post was a help to your project.
    You are always welcome,
    WindBlower - kl.

  3. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Helped with my science project too. Thank you.

  4. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Thank you very much it was very helpful for my homework


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